All aboard!! Now Phusion Passenger powered

A few days ago I converted my Ruby on Rails server to run Phusion Passenger. I’ve been running nginx and mongrels for about a year now and they have served me well (no pun intended). The only problem is my RAM been maxing out, but I guess that happens with 5 mongrels, a sinatra app, and MySQL on a 1GB slice from Slicehost.

Ever since RailsConf, I’ve been meaning to try out Phusion Passenger. There were two benefits that drew me to it:

  1. It would scale servers as they were needed, thus saving RAM if one site isn’t in use. Since my business site and Mephisto are both heavily use page caching, they are not really in use for the majority of requests. But my Redmine gets spikes of traffic and I’d like to have it scale up to meet the demand.

  2. Since Passenger works on demand, I now have more flexibility to host more applications. This means I can finally get to some side projects I’ve been putting off.

So if you haven’t checked out Phusion Passenger yet or you are still running your Ruby on Rails applications with FastCGI, try it out now. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to host Rails now.


One comment

  1. Ladsescarge says:

    Using internet is simple as hell. But I can tell y ou right now, it can be very hard, if you are the first time user.
    So, first thing I suggest – open the Explorer, and type in the address you like.
    You’ll get there really fast, it depends on your connection speed.
    Good luck.

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