Pausing Daily Refactors

After almost four months of daily refactors, I’ve decided to pause them. They have been very successful and helped me overcome a lot of the fears I’ve had with programming. I just feel that they have lost some of their value now and I want to move on to another interesting idea for self training.

I’m still going to do daily refactors, I have too much code that I can’t let rot. If you’re interested in what I’m refactoring, follow my Github activity stream.


  1. I’m sorry to read this, as you know I’ve grown very fond of your daily refactors and they were one of my first stops on my feed reader. I guess I’ll keep track on github, but your additional comment always highlighted the relevant changes in each commit.

    It’s great that you have new ideas for your training, though, I hope that you keep posting the related updates here :).

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