Rails Rumble 2007 – Whats Your Habit?

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The Rails Rumble 2007 programming contest is now accepting votes for the best applications. My entry is called Whats your habit? and is a web program designed to help people easily track their habits. Please go and vote at the Rails Rumble Voting site and leave your comments here.

My goal with the program was to apply what I have learned about AJAX and REST to an actual Ruby on Rails application. I was pretty impressed with what can be done in the short amount of time I had. I was able to stay awake enough to track the total development time, which came out to 27 hours. Not bad for a functional Web 2.0 program.

I am looking forward to continuing development on it after the competition is completed. I already have about several new features and improvements planned. If you can think of a feature you would like to add, contact me and I will see about adding it in the next version. The official version will be launching as a free service at WhatsYourHabit.com after the voting at Rails Rumble is complete.

What is your opinion of the program?


Update: A new dedicated product blog for What’s Your Habit has been launched.