theAdmin Apt repository setup

I’m back.

I also have a lot to write about now but I wanted to start with a new feature I have added to my server.

I am now starting to package up some software for Debian. I have my apt repository setup at To add it just add one of the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list

# Sarge
deb sarge

# Etch
deb etch

# Stable
deb stable

# Testing
deb testing

Right now I only have two versions of lighttpd in sarge/stable but I will be starting to add more now that I know how to create the packages.

If anyone has a request, feel free to contact me and I can see what I can do to package it up.

Eric Davis


  1. Nicole says:

    Man you don’t even know how long I’ve waited for this since disabling my own Movable Type widget (that doesn’t work since Haloscan bypasses that code).

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